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ARCHIVE :: Notables

Apollo 15 autographs

Apollo 15 Autographs

With a crew consisting of David Scott, Al Worden & James Irwin Apollo 15 was the forth successful American moon landing, achieved in 1971 & was the 1st mission to use a lunar roving vehicle. Not an easy set to find.

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Millvinia Dean autograph

Millvinia Dean Autograph

A postcard approx 5 x 3 ins signed by Titanic survivor Millvinia Dean, Just a baby when the famous ship went down in1912 Milivinia, her mum and brother were put into a lifeboat and survived, unfortunately her father went down with the ship.

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Malcolm Campbell autograph

Malcolm Campbell Autograph

Very nice ink signature from World Land Speed Record holder Malcolm Campbell. Malcolm, father of Donald Campbell held simultanious speed records both on land & water using various vehicles called "Bluebird" most famously a 1921 Grand Prix Sunbeam.

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W Churchill secretarial ????

W Churchill Secretarial ????

A very nice signature, alas probably signed by a sectretary or possibly an autopen machine, i'm really not sure after taking advice on this one from someone with better knowledge. Still a very nice vintage signature from someone very close.

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