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ARCHIVE :: Music Autographs

Max Boyce autograph

Max Boyce Autograph

Nice signature from folk singer, comedian and Welsh rugby superfan Max Boyce. Glynneath born Max rose to fame in the Welsh rugby hayday of the 1970s combining his love of music and Welsh rugby.

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Ivor Emmanuel & Neil McCarthy

Ivor Emmanuel & Neil McCarthy

Two signatures from British actors Ivor Emmanuel & Neil McCarthy. Both actors had leading parts in the British war movie classic Zulu filmed on location in 1964. Both signatures difficult to obtain.

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John Lydon AKA Johnney Rotten

John Lydon AKA Johnney Rotten

Superb 12 x 8 inch photo hand signed [with boobs] by John Lydon A.K.A Johnny Rotten of Sex Pistols fame. Along with the rest of the band, John created music history with the Sex Pistols one of the fore-runners & major influences of Punk Rock

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Shirley Bassey signed album page

Shirley Bassey Signed Album Page

Gorgeous 12 x 8 inch [A4] photograph of Cardiff diva Shirley Bassey,complete with a hand signed album page. Born in Tiger Bay Shirley, has had one of the longest & most distinguished careers in show business

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